What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the process of using sedatives in order to make dental procedures manageable. When one is supposed to visit the dentist, fear may easily crop in when they think of the painful procedures that lie ahead of them. This may lead to fear and the person may even skive the visit. But they should be made aware that there is a solution to this and it is the sedation dentistry.

How to administer sedation dentistry

sedation-patientSedation dentistry is not new in the oral health industry. It has only been improved with the times. In the former days, the sedatives would be given to the patient through the blood. This would entail injecting the sedative in the blood vessels on the arm. The doctor has the skill of finding the appropriate blood vessel and then administering the sedative for instant action. The fear of the needles and syringe would cause anxiety to the patient.

Today, with the technological advancements one can take the sedatives through oral administrations. When will just take them through the mouth in a simple yet comfortable manner. Another way of taking the oral sedatives is when the anxiety levels have been known, the dentist is in a better position to know which sedative to give. These oral medications have led to interesting Olympia Washington dental practice visits unlike the days of the pain of the needles. Some of the medications include anti-anxiety medications, nitric oxide and tranquilizers.

What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?

The following are the benefits of sedation dentistry.

  1. The anxiety of visiting the dentist are greatly reduced. Instead of dreading the pain that comes with the dental procedures, one does not fear and instead looks forward even for routine checks.
  2. Sedation industry allows a patient to go through the long dental procedures with minimal or no pain at all during the process. The patient is likely to endure the long procedures without feeling the pain and discomfort.
  3. Another advantage of sedative dentistry is that one is able to regain confidence in their dentist and can speak more about any condition that they would want him to deal with without any fear of pain.
  4. Sedation dentistry leads to improved oral health since the appointments to the dentist are not missed easily. Therefore one’s oral health keeps being checked by a professional. In the days of pain and anxiety, one would rather miss the dentist visitation than expose themselves to pain on top of tooth decays and other forms of pain.

Types of sedation

  1. Minimal sedation – The patient remains conscious and can respond to the surroundings.
  2. Moderate sedation- The person is more relaxed and can respond to only strong stimulations.
  3. Deep sedation- The person is unconscious and does not remember anything. He is in a sleeping mode.