Effects of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition associated with a serious sleeping disorder. Someone suffering from sleep apnea may instantly stop breathing during sleep and gasp for breath before catching breathe. This causes many suffering from this condition to wake up. Some snore loudly during sleep and that could be a sign of insomnia.

There are a few types of sleep apnea which include;

-Central sleep apnea.

This disorder comes by when the brain fails to send the right signals to the muscles that normally regulate breathing.

-Obstructive sleep apnea.

This condition occurs when the throat muscles relax and cause the snoring effect.

-Complex sleep apnea syndrome.

This condition arises when someone has both central and obstructive sleep apnea.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

For central and obstructive sleep apnea, the symptoms are quite similar.

They include the following;
-Feeling irritated
-Loss of memory and concentration
-Feeling sleepy during the day
– Having headaches in the morning
-Snoring loudly
-Find yourself Gasping for breath during sleep

At what point should one see a doctor?

When one is snoring loudly, it could be an indication that there is a underlying serious issue. However, this does not mean that a person who snores suffers from sleep apnea. It is important to seek medical attention once the symptoms become consistent. Ensure you discuss with your doctor about your sleep problems that leave with irritability, sleepiness, and fatigue.

What are the causes of sleep apnea?

For obstructive sleep apnea, it comes by when the muscles lying back at the backside of your throat relax. These muscles play the role of supporting the palate which is soft, the uvula, the tonsils, also the tongue underside, and the sidewalls of the throat. A good dentist in Millburn NJ will help you cure your sleep apnea.

When these muscles relax, the airway narrows and even closes once you breathe in. you will not be able to get enough air which consequently lowers the level of oxygen in your blood. The brain automatically senses your inability to breathe and this causes one to instantly wake up in an attempt to reopen the airway. Normally, this awakening is short-lived in that one seldom remembers such an occurrence the next morning. One may gasp for breath, choke or snort. This is a pattern that can re-occur five times in an hour making it impossible for you to sleep deeply and rest as it should be.

For central sleep apnea, being a less common type of sleep apnea, it comes in when the brain fails to transmit the signals to the muscles responsible for regulating the breathing system. What this means is that you will fail to make an effort to breathe for a specific period of time which will be kind of a pause. One will suddenly wake up with shortness of breath and lose sleep. One will have interrupted sessions of sleep which will leave them tired.

One should understand that sleep apnea can affect everyone regardless of age. However, there are certain factors that can increase the chances of getting this sleep apnea condition. For instance, those who smoke can be at a higher risk. Also, those who are into alcohol to great extents may also suffer from sleep apnea at a certain stage in their life.

What are teeth fillings?

Teeth fillings is a procedure that involves restoring decayed and damaged teeth back to its normal shape and function by the use of filling materials such as composite resin, gold, amalgam[an alloy of silver, mercury, tin, zinc, and copper] and porcelain. Teeth filling is done by removing the decayed teeth materials followed by cleaning the damaged area and finally using the filling materials to fill the already cleaned cavity so as to prevent further decay and also to fill the spaces through which the bacteria enters the teeth to cause teeth decay and damage.

Before undergoing a teeth filling procedure, one should visit a dentist in Longmont Colorado for teeth checkup so as to be aware of the type of treatment one requires for the damaged teeth. When the doctor finds out that larger part of your teeth has been affected by the decay, leaving a cavity, they will advise you to go for teeth fillings to prevent further damages. The type of filling materials to be used will depend on whether one has allergies to any of the filling materials, the cost of the filling materials and the extent of the damage on the teeth.

Types of Teeth Fillings

The teeth filling vary from the filling materials to color desired for the filling. Teeth filling is done in two ways, that is, indirectly where a custom filling is made to fit around the damaged teeth and direct filling where the filling materials are placed directly in the existing teeth cavity. The types of teeth fillings include:

Amalgam teeth filling: This type of filling includes a mixture of copper, mercury, tin, and zinc. Amalgam filling is strong, thus long lasting. This filling is conspicuous and therefore, changes from its silver color to darker color with time, a drawback that makes it be preferred by fewer people and not commonly used in children of less than six years as the metals in its compound are not considered safe for them.

Gold fillings: This is the most long-lasting type of teeth filling, and therefore most people prefer it. It is the most expensive teeth filling and time-consuming during filling since it is done as indirect teeth filling. The filling is gold in color and non-conspicuous, making it more effective and can last up to 20 years.

Resin filling: This is the type of filling that is used for children with the primary teeth. It is also used on less decayed teeth since it undergoes wear and tears easily. It also requires areas of less pressure in the teeth and therefore not advisable to be used on areas of the teeth used for chewing.

Composite Filling: This is the type of filling is placed directly to the teeth and has the natural look of your teeth making it popular due to its large number of use by people. It is made of acrylic resin and powdered glass. It is less durable than other types of filling. Due to its poor quality, its used in low-pressure areas of the teeth to avoid tear and wear.

Porcelain Filling: This is also an indirect filling and expensive but less durable compared to a gold filling. Nevertheless, it is preferred by people due to its natural appearance of the natural teeth and also resist staining.