What is General Dentistry?

When people say “I’m going to the dentist today” they usually say so with a grimace. But what does going to the dentist actually entail? Is it painful, is it miserable? Why don’t people like it more? Well, the honest answer, is that if you are visiting a general dentist, and going regularly, then the dentist will rarely be painful and it can be an extremely simple process.

What do general dentists do?

General dentists are somewhat equivalent to your family practice doctors. These highly educated individuals are trained to diagnose, treat, and prevent most issues within the teeth, gums, and mouth. Some examples of what general dentists can do are: cleanings and annual exams, fillings, sealants, crowns, root canals, veneers, bridges, and treating gingivitis and other oral illnesses. If, for some reason, your care requires treatment beyond their scope, a good general dentist will refer you to a specialist to get you the care that you need.

What is a typical appointment like?

Usually, when you make an appointment with a dentist, it is for an exam. General dentists prefer that you make these appointment every 6 months in order to have the best results. At this exams, you can expect:

  1. X-rays – these are used to check the health of the teeth, roots, and jawbones.
  2. Cleaning – this is typically done by a dental hygienist and is an essential part of overall oral health. More on this later.
  3. Exam – your dentist will check your bite, your teeth for signs of wear and tear or decay, and ensure that your mouth is in tip-top condition.
  4. Fluoride – some dentists will provide you the opportunity for fluoride at the end of your visits, this is done to help strengthen the enamel (the white outside) of your teeth to prevent decay and wear and tear.

None of these procedures should be painful, there is always a chance of some minor sensitivities causing brief discomfort, but a good practitioner will help you with that as well.

What is a dental cleaning like?

At every 6 month appointment, you can expect a dental cleaning from your dental office in Ohio. The hygienist, usually, will begin this process by scaling – which means removing the tartar and plaque from your teeth. This helps prevent cavities and other dental decay. They will then use a gritty toothpaste like substance called polishing paste. This is applied with a rubber-tipped instrument and feels similar to brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush. This grit is rinsed out of your mouth and then your hygienist will floss your teeth. That’s it!

What are the benefits of having regular appointments?

Having consistent, and frequent dental visits are the best way to prevent serious dental and oral issues. By going to each of your appointments, your dentist will be able to catch small wear and tear issues, or early onset of decay. When this is done, the interventions required to treat these issues are minor (which means less pain, and less recovery time.)

Dentists are also among the first to notice the onset of some serious conditions like: diabetes, some cancers, and even signs of osteoporosis. Visiting your dentist regularly allows your dentist to be familiar with you and notice changes that could indicate serious issues more easily.

How can you prepare for a visit?

Preparing for a dental visit is very simple!

  1. Call and make the appointment
  2. Confirm your appointment
  3. Brush and floss your teeth prior to your appointment – this is not essential, but much appreciated.
  4. Bring appropriate ID and insurance cards if applicable.

Attending the dentist regularly is the best way to prevent serious dental issues, it keeps you in less pain and prevents future dental issues, and it can even help you catch the early onset of some serious diseases. You really can’t afford to miss out on these benefits.